
Original fiction

Currently working on something that I might self-publish (if it's good lol). Might post it here, might not.

Fanfiction (crossposted from AO3)



"Theirs not to make reply, Theirs not to reason why, Theirs but to do and die"
~from "The Charge of The Light Brigade"
Some Septimus angst & flashbacks

It was raining. Large drops of water plummeted down from the heavens so fast that they were almost indistinguishable.
Septimus hated rain. He hated the dull gray sky that always accompanied an ongoing rainstorm. He hated the terrifying memories rainstorms always brought on.
It was pitch dark and, although he was sheltered from the merciless, knife-sharp rain, he felt uneasy. He knew that many dangers lurked beyond the great walls of the Castle, this fact was crystal clear inside his head.
He was all on his own. Nobody was there to comfort him. Nobody. He had to get himself out of here on his own, nobody would be there to help him.

Septimus attempted to guide his attention back to the book he was reading, but failed to absorb any of the words.
Suddenly, the crisp sound of a twig snapping filled his ears. He spun around immediately, forgetting his careful and complex training. A stab of fear shot through him. Someone - or something - was directly at his heels.
Septimus took a deep breath. He tried to quell his emerging panic by concentrating on the assorted Fairy Pots that Marcia had placed in her living room. Their intense blue glass had acquired an iridescent, almost ethereal gleam in the dying candlelight.
Boy 412 did not hear the harsh rustling of the trees, nor the constant splattering of the raindrops, which were growing heavier every minute. The only thing he heard right then was the frantic beating of his terrified heart as two gleaming yellow eyes took in his terrified form greedily. It was time. Time for his life to be ripped from existence in the mere blink of an eye.
A familiar sense of dread filled the pit of his stomach. He tried to stop his hands from shaking but did not manage to steady them.
The wolverine glared at the little boy with a mixture of resentment and apprehension.

Septimus felt his heart hammering in his ribcage.
He watched the wolverine approach slowly, menacingly, as though it was savoring the terrified look in his pale gray eyes. He tried desperately to move his legs, to run while he still could but it was as if his feet were firmly glued to the ground.
He gripped the edges of the book tightly, attempting one last time to ground himself.
Nobody would hear his scream. Nobody would mind if he went missing. Nobody was here to help him.
"Septimus?" Marcia's voice brought him back to reality.
Suddenly, Boy 412 felt something grab him by his tunic, lifting him up into the air. He looked down at the ground below him in a daze as the now disappointed wolverine was left to look for another source of food. Boy 412 slowly came to his senses. Here he was, in the middle of the forest, dangling from the branch of a tree, alive.


This is my fourth ever attempt at fanfiction and my second finished fic, I am very proud of this one because I finished it despite taking two months to write it because I kept forgetting that it was in my notes app.
Thank you to triplefish213 for proofreading, it was greatly appreciated :)